
People whom winson talk 2.


Suddenly thought of this song. First heard it was when i was in primary school.

九佰九拾九朵玫瑰 (邰正宵)

往事如風 痴心只是難懂
借酒相送 送不走身影濛濛
燭光投影 映不出你顏容

夜風已冷 回想前塵如夢
心似冰凍 怎堪相識不相逢
難捨心痛 難捨情已如風

我早已為你種下 九佰九拾九朵玫瑰
從分手的那一天 九佰九拾九朵玫瑰

Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Roses (Samuel Tai)

The past is like the wind, infatuation is only hard to understand
Using wine to escape, but I can’t escape the mist by my side
The candlelight throws shadows, but it can’t show your face
Still, I only see you alone in that photo

The night wind is already cold, memories of the past seem like dreams
My heart seems frozen, how can I endure knowing you but not meeting you?
I can’t bear heartache, I can’t bear that love is already like the wind
I can’t bear that I’ve let you have your way with my heart

Long ago, I planted for you: nine hundred ninety-nine roses
From the day we broke up, nine hundred ninety-nine roses
When the flowers withered, I’m already emaciated
A hundred thousand oaths, already extinguished with the flowers

December 15, 2007 - Posted by | Entertainment

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