
People whom winson talk 2.


Suddenly thought of this song. First heard it was when i was in primary school.

九佰九拾九朵玫瑰 (邰正宵)

往事如風 痴心只是難懂
借酒相送 送不走身影濛濛
燭光投影 映不出你顏容

夜風已冷 回想前塵如夢
心似冰凍 怎堪相識不相逢
難捨心痛 難捨情已如風

我早已為你種下 九佰九拾九朵玫瑰
從分手的那一天 九佰九拾九朵玫瑰

Nine Hundred Ninety-Nine Roses (Samuel Tai)

The past is like the wind, infatuation is only hard to understand
Using wine to escape, but I can’t escape the mist by my side
The candlelight throws shadows, but it can’t show your face
Still, I only see you alone in that photo

The night wind is already cold, memories of the past seem like dreams
My heart seems frozen, how can I endure knowing you but not meeting you?
I can’t bear heartache, I can’t bear that love is already like the wind
I can’t bear that I’ve let you have your way with my heart

Long ago, I planted for you: nine hundred ninety-nine roses
From the day we broke up, nine hundred ninety-nine roses
When the flowers withered, I’m already emaciated
A hundred thousand oaths, already extinguished with the flowers

December 15, 2007 Posted by | Entertainment | Leave a comment

Diagnosing problems from tyre wear.

Your tyre wear pattern can tell you a lot about any problems you might be having with the wheel/tyre/suspension geometry setup. The first two signs to look for are over- and under-inflation. These are relatively easy to spot:


Here’s a generic fault-finding table for most types of tyre wear:

Problem Cause
Shoulder Wear
Both Shoulders wearing faster than the centre of the tread
Repeated high-speed cornering
Improper matching of rims and tyres
Tyres haven’t been rotated recently
Centre Wear
The centre of the tread is wearing faster than the shoulders
Improper matching of rims and tyres
Tyres haven’t been rotated recently
One-sided wear
One side of the tyre wearing unusually fast
Improper wheel alignment (especially camber)
Tyres haven’t been rotated recently
Spot wear
A part (or a few parts) of the circumference of the tread are wearing faster than other parts.
Faulty suspension, rotating parts or brake parts
Dynamic imbalance of tyre/rim assembly
Excessive runout of tyre and rim assembly
Sudden braking and rapid starting
Under inflation
Diagonal wear
A part (or a few parts) of the tread are wearing diagonally faster than other parts.
Faulty suspension, rotating parts or brake parts
Improper wheel alignment
Dynamic imbalance of tyre/rim assembly
Tyres haven’t been rotated recently
Under inflation
Feather-edged wear
The blocks or ribs of the tread are wearing in a feather-edge pattern
Improper wheel alignment (faulty toe-in)
Bent axle beam

Source :

December 15, 2007 Posted by | Cars | Leave a comment