
People whom winson talk 2.

Dinner at Davids





Havent been making personal post for quite a while. Probably because my life is too boring to post anything up. If you asked me what I have been doing ? Has been doing reading most of the time. Hunting for information that I need. I would like to make the blog more informative rather then just on my daily life. I would have to agree that most of us had enter a different stage of life. Last time when we were in uni we used to talk about uni and muiss. Now there is no one time that we didnt talk about work or property. I guess the next stage of our life, we will be talking about marriage and kids. I am no where near there yet. =P Went to Davids Restaurant for dinner. First time trying out this place and the food wasnt too bad. Proportion of the food was quite huge. The food there is something different compare to what we usually have for dinner.

Still waiting for a reply from my friend whom I suppose to meet. Send her two sms she still yet to reply me. I wonder if tomorrow lunch is still onz.

January 27, 2008 - Posted by | Daily Life

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